Friday, July 24, 2009

Photos of the day 7/17-7/23

7/17 Friday - I went by to see mom and dad. Took mom these flowers and snapped a photo wheather she liked it or not.
7/18 Saturday - We spent the morning at the theater for LAMDA awards and a UK Troupe meeting about our trip. Then we came home and hit the pool to cool off and relax. I brought Kat home with me and made Stephan come over!
Sunday - 7/19 Part of the Troupe performed at my church during the covered dish. Did two parts of the show. I ran 4 miles at the Lake this morning - super slow but I'm starting over!
Monday - 7/20 Photo from the cast of 'A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum' showing at Tyler Civic Theater.
Tuesday 7/21 Went to Lake Tyler to run. Did only 2 miles. Was still sore from Sunday. A storm blew across the lake as we were there and we were able to get a not so great photo of the huge lightning storm that occurred. Lots of damage in Tyler but not at our house.
Wed 7/22 'So you think you can dance' is one of my FAVorite shows and the only show I make sure and watch. We tonight was the best ever with a dance piece about breast cancer that just took my breath away and brought tears to my eyes. Danced by Ada and Melissa in the photo from the tv. Two of my favorite daners but I love them all.
Thurs 7/23 I woke up at midnight and just couldn't sleep. So I put my time to use and made this mini album for Erick with pictures from his Eagle Scout court of honor. 20 pages of pictures and 20 pages of quotes, the scout law and motto and oath. That sort of thing. I think it turned ot pretty good.

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