Friday, November 13, 2009

Photos of the day 11/6 to 11/10

Friday 11/6 We went to the Henderson vs Whitehouse game at Henderson. It was super crowded but we got to see the band perform and they won so advanced for at least one more game to playoffs.
Saturday 11/7 Gary worked on the car while Timothy referree soccer. Actually have some black paint on the camaro.
Saunday 11/8 It was an awesome day. I enjoyed spending time outside in the sun and so did this butterfly.
Monday 11/9 It's that time of year again. Leaf piles and Smokey going crazy running through them. Piles of smiles!
Tuesday 11/10 Chipper rehearsal at the theater. We are practicing square dancing tonight.

1 comment:

SilentRN said...

Painting the Camero black? You look great!