Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!!
I resolve to get rid of a bit of clutter this year. I'm doing good so far. Every day I take something out of my house. It may be as small as 1 magazine that I finished and will get rid off. I've done a few sweaters, some old toys, 1 magazine. So I consider myself to be doing good. That's it. That's my one resolution!
I've also decided to participate in Project 365. You take one picture a day to document your normal everyday life. I've done it so far. It will be hard on days when I work and "nothing special" is going on. But that's the point. You get normal, everyday stuff down. It will be interesting to see what all I come up with to photograph.
I did run 3 miles at home Sunday with Smokey Bear. He's big enough now to keep up and he did well. Only got under my feet a few times. He went to vet today and weighs 35 pounds and is healthy. Boy, he did not like that at all!! He whined and even growled.
I had a scrapbooking weekend with a few friends and scrapped from 6 p.m. Friday night till 7 p.m. Saturday, staying up till 3 in the morning and I got 20 pages done. So I got a good start on my scrapping goals for 2009. It was fun even if it was short and only a few folks were able to attend. But since I don't have much room, that worked out well.
The guys went backpacking, left on the 1st and came back late Saturday night and it was a miserablel 80 something degrees. NOT what you want to backpack in. The same trip last year it was 4 degrees. Go Figure. That's Texas weather for you. You just never know.
This photo is from Sunday where we went walking in the woods at Lindsey Park. It was a high of
40 on that day so a bit chillier and the other is of Gary at work on 12/30/08
- his 50th birthday!


SilentRN said...

Oh MY GOODNESS!!! Gary has the look ... like, "go ahead and take my picture, are you happy?"

Good for you get rid of the clutter, you can do it!! GO, GO, GO!!!

:::b r a n d i::: said...

Sorry I couldn't join you ladies this past weekend but I'm glad you had fun!! Are you going to post your Project365 online so we can see?

Tanya said...

I have the same goal to de-clutter my house. My new rule is if something new comes in the house, something old has to go out!

Laurie said...

the scrappy weekend sounds fun! I'm going to do the project 365 too, maybe we can remind each other!!