Thursday, January 8, 2009

Project 365

I'm doing Project 365 where you take a photo a day every day of the year. I've actually done it so far this year. I guess I'll display them here every so often. It has been interesting to decide what to take a photo of. Helps you to find things to be thankful for and count your blessings!
1/1/09 Picture of Jeremy playing with Smokey and Spotcher.
1/2 We had a scrap weekend and this is Julie holding McKenzie (Susan's granddaughter) and Birdo.
1/3 During our scrap weekend I took a break and took McKenzie for a walk. She wasn't there the whole time, just for a bit.
1/4 Photo of Gary and Smokey in other post at Lindsey Park.
1/5My new office after we moved to 5th floor in our office building
1/6 The sunset on a day that was rainy after my run in the park.
1/7 Kami and I pigging out at lunch at Papacita's! Yum, love those chips and hot sauce.
Just ordinary photos of stuff going on in my life everyday! But I hope to improve my photography skills as the year goes on with this project.


:::b r a n d i::: said...

Nice start to your Project365! you should open up a Flickr account and keep track of them over there. Seems like everyone has one these days. Shanon posts them there and on her blog.

I love all the shelving in your office!

Sarah said...

what great pics!! I love the one of you going for a walk. :) Your office looks so cozy...I like all of the pictures and your medals. :)

SilentRN said...

Brandi has a great idea to open up a Flickr account and post one picture each day... I love the pictures.

{S} said...

what a great start!! I imagine you will have an exciting 365 portfolio you keep so busy. :~)