Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Photos of the day 6/30-7/4

6/30 Tuesday You can't see it very well in the photo but there is a really cool picture of a blue colored dragonfly. We see them down by the creek when we take our walks.
7/1 Wed, July! Half a year and I've managed to keep up with Project 365 - a photo every day. Okay so this is just Smokey walking across the yard because not much else was going on.
7/2 Thursday
Smokey in the pasture beside us with freshly bailed hay in the background.
7/3 Friday Ericka had a meeting with the counselors at UTT so Donald and the guys shot guns down in the woods while they were gone then we all went out to dinner at Pasado's. Yummy.
7/4 Saturday Fourth of July, Independence day. We drove less
than a mile away to watch the fireworks show at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church. Got lots of good photos.
7/5 Sunday We went to the Ranger's Game, took Stephanie and Alicia. Great game, cool weather, lots of foul balls in our area. great time. Thank goodness Gary was the driver on the way


TammyB said...

I can see the dragonfly when I click on the photo - so pretty! And you know I like dragonflies :)

I'm so glad your keeping up with P365. I am trying - thought about quitting a few times.

Molly said...

I LOVE the dragonfly! We don't have them here...sigh. And they definitely look like Texans in the picture at he stadium!

Yay for you on Project 365!!! We'll post Christmas pictures, otay?

kate blue said...

love the fireworks pic!

Yesterday's Tomorrow said...

awesome pics Sherri!! :D