Monday, July 20, 2009

Photos of the day 7/11-16

Sat - 7/11 -
Patsy, Alicia and Brianna (and two boys she was babysitting) came over for a dip in the pool. It's the only way to beat the Texas heat. Then we had lasagna.
Sun - 7/12 Alicia spent the night and here she is with her 50 pound shiny rock that she carried 1/2 mile to bring home from Beaver's Bend.
Mon - 7/13 We have even more morning glories welcoming us to our walk every morning now.
Tues - 7/14 We encountered this little turtle on our walk and Smokey didn't quite know what to think.
Wed - 7/15 - We went to see the musical "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" at the Tyler Civic Theater. I hope to get a photo that was taken that evening for my photo of the day.
Thur - 7/16 Smokey is all excited to chase the stick I'm about to throw for him on our walk.


Molly said...

That pool looks soooo refreshing! It's 4:24 and still 88 degrees..sigh. And only on your property can you find a turtle! I wanna live there! :-)

:::b r a n d i::: said...

I can't believe she carried that rock the whole way.