Saturday, August 8, 2009

Greetings from Edinburgh, Scotland

The train ride from England to Scotland had the most amazing landscape and Edinburgh is absolutely breathtaking. I really liked London, but I LOVE Scotland. We have toured the castle, climbed the mountain in Hollyrood Park, toured the queen's palace, got a geocache in this country, went to several theater performances, walked the streets and burnt holes in my credit card. All so wonderful!! The weather is usually rain with occassional sunshine here but the whole time we have been here it has been cool and no rain, perfect!! Tomorrow our group performs and it is our last non-travelling day. It seems like forever ago in some ways when we left but also seems like it has gone by really fast. I haven't taken nearly as many pictures as some folks, but I have a ton and can get copies of all of their pictures. Well, goodnight, past time for bed. We are going to St. Giles Cathderal for church tomorrow. They have the most amazing pipe organ. Till next time when I'm back in good ol' USA and Texas, goodday mate (I know that's Australian but I couldn't think of anything Scottish).


:::b r a n d i::: said...

Wow, your trip has gone by really quickly! Have a safe return home! Can't wait to see pictures.

SilentRN said...

Sounds sooooooooo beautiful~

Molly said...

Hey doll! Our dear friend went to visit Scotland for a semester - and ended up staying there! So watch out or you'll start saying "Texas? Where's that??" :-) (((HUGS))) and safe travels to you all!

Tanya said...

I love Scotland, and Edinburgh is a truly wonderful city-I'm glad you're having such a great time!